Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Six Months

This baby is 6 months old! Has it honestly been that long already!? I feel so blessed to have Christopher in our home. It's funny how I can already see this kid's personality. Steven was/is very mellow and just goes with the flow most of the time. Christopher not so much. When I was pregnant with him both Jacob and I felt he would be more outgoing and more of a people person than Steven. Though for the past couple of months I wasn't so sure about that, he's often cranky. Then I realized the truth; Christopher likes to be around people and have lots of attention. And when you're talking to him or playing with him, he is ALL smiles and laughs. It's adorable and I love it! But then I have to go do something else or help Steven, and that's where the screaming comes in. This kid knows what he wants and is not afraid to yell until he gets it. Which can get hard sometimes, but honestly though, how could you not try to give this kid your attention?
At his appointment Christopher was 75% for height and 50% for weight. He is a pro at sitting up (as long as brother's not around to accidentally knock him down). He rolls well from his stomach to his back but not so much from his back to his stomach. He doesn't like to be on his stomach, which might be why he doesn't like to do it.

Christopher has started eating rice cereal and of course he loves it. On his 6-month birthday we went to Macey's and got some frozen yogurt, we gave him some, and boy did he love it!
Later that day we had a BBQ and while we were waiting for the food to cook I fed him some of a bun. While I was tearing off a little piece, he seized the chance and grabbed a whole hand full!
Don't worry I took it away from him before he had a chance to choke on that large clump of bread.

I love you Christopher
(with all your many emotions)


  1. I'm a MAJOR fan of that last picture. :D Yay for Christopher!

  2. You look quite gorgeous in this last picture!

  3. What cute cute pictures! He sure sounds like a bundle of joy!

  4. Oh I miss that sweet thing. Seriously, he is BEAUTIFUL! Love you guys.
