Wednesday, September 21, 2011


A couple of weeks ago there was a talk in Sacrament meeting that got me thinking. It was on simplifying our lives; she also referred to the talk by Elder Oaks entitled, "Good, Better, Best." Also that Sunday, I won't go into the whole story, but there was some misunderstanding and some sisters in Relief Society thought I really loved to cook. I was trying to explain, that I didn't love to cook, I was trying to be better at it. I was trying to be a good homemaker. But these two ideas floating in my head were clashing.

I want to be a good wife, mother, homemaker. I want to make delicious meals for my family from scratch, sew a quilt for each milestone in their life, make homemade presents for my friends, can goods from the garden for food storage....and the list goes on. It's all overwhelming!

The thought of simplifying kept creeping back in my head. How can I simplify and still be a good homemaker? Then it hit me, what's really important to me? What will make my family the happiest? What makes ME the happiest? I thought about it and came up with this list. (In no particular order)

Scripture study: This is a must to help me be happy and really to function throughout the day

Journal: Once again I know from experience that I'm happier when I write in my journal, preserve my thoughts and the moments throughout the day.

Enjoy Jacob: So often I take it for granted that I get to live with my best friend. When he's home, I want to enjoy my time with him; remember why I love him so much. (it's usually not that hard to remember)

Make Christopher laugh: He's been extra moody lately due to teething. He cries a lot. And this makes me want to cry a lot. I need to remember this is a phase. I want to remember my happy baby, not just his screams.

Listen to Steven: He's talking so much now and really making some fun observations. I want to listen when he comes to me excited over something. I want to make sure we have a good friendship and relationship that will last us through his teenage years.

A clean house: I'm happier when the house is clean. And when I'm happier, everyone's happier.

Dinner made: I feel good about myself when there's dinner on the table. It doesn't have to be gourmet, usually a casserole, but I want to know my family's temporal needs are met. It makes me feel accomplished in a small way.

Read to the boys: I feel this is the best way I can help with their vocabulary, learn about the world around them, and develop a love for books. This is something I feel is important.

Exercise: Again something that helps me feel good about myself, and when I'm happy usually my family is as well.

Pray: I really want my family to know that they can always turn to prayer. There is Someone listening who cares, and who will always be there for them. I want them to know that I know that as well.

It seems to me that there are a lot of things that are good that I can do with my time and even better things at that. But I want to find what is BEST and fill my day with those things. I feel this is how I'll be a good homemaker. It's not the filled jars, piles of cookbooks, and yards of fabric that makes me a good wife and mother. It's enjoying the days I get to spend with my family when they are young and crave my attention. Who knows maybe I will become a gourmet chef or wonderful seamstress through the years. I hope I do. But I'm not going to get down on myself about it now.

Right now I'm going to enjoy my children. I'm going to make sure I keep my self happy and sane and then I'm going to give all I have to my family. And if there's time left over I just might make a gift for a friend, make a nice meal, or teach myself to play the piano. But if those things don't happen, I'll be ok, I still did my best. And that's what counts.


  1. Great idea! I think this is important for everyone. And it was good seeing you on your run this morning! Exercise? Check.

  2. beautiful. you inspire me. I am totally going to copy you and make my top ten list of BEST things. thanks for being you :)

  3. Sweetie, you are wise beyond your years.
    We love you.
