Monday, May 21, 2012

Family Pictures

We had a friend in the ward take some family pictures of us a week and a half ago.  She's from Brazil and wants to start up her portfolio, so we graciously accepted her services.  She said she doesn't know how to edit, but will learn in June, when she'll give us the edited versions.  I was surprised she got any shots with the boys wanting to run around everywhere, that's way there's only 2 good family pictures.  One day they'll be old enough to sit nicely for day.  

23 weeks along

 I love these next two, they are priceless!

Jacob with 2 boys and me with 2 boys!

Probably my favorite family photo


  1. What great photos! You look terrific, Cassandy! And your boys are completely adorable. Hope you're doing well! Love you.

  2. Oh my these are gorgeous. Cassanda you look so beautiful. I guess double the babies, double the glow because you are stunning! I love love love your hair and you just look fantastic! Great family photos!

  3. How cute! I can't believe how long and beautiful your hair is! You look like you have it all together! What a fun family!

  4. Word's can not describe how beautiful and precious your family is!!! What fun pictures!!! I think they all turned out well!!! Besides, we all get to see the personalities of your little boys in each picture instead of boys just sitting there! I have learned to appreciate the pictures with each boy doing something different and both trying to run away as it shows what fun they are and more of the everyday that is so full of joy!!!

  5. you are perfection.
    your family is perfection.
    and no one can convince me otherwise!


  6. How adorable!!! Can I just say how much I love reading your just are so inspirational! Miss you like crazy and I can't wait to see you in July! You look fabulous, you really do! You are just glowing twice the amount (get it..two kids...twice the amount!) Love ya tons!!!
