You know those moments when everything feels right in the world. The ones where you wish you could just stop time and go on like that forever? I had one of those on Friday. We went to Idaho for Thanksgiving, and had a marvelous time. Since my parents left Friday morning to attending my brother blessing his baby in Arizona, we decided we’d leave then as well and go through Logan and see if we could find some good buys at the D.I.s along the way. I don’t know how many of you have been to South-East Idaho, but I think it’s gorgeous. There is something about the miles of farmland and the mountains in the distant and up close, that really gets to me. I think it always will.
Anyway it's about 8:30 a.m. on Friday morning and we are on the road between Soda Springs and Preston. There are a couple of really small towns and some houses scattered here and there, but other than that it's just the wonderful scenery. It had just snowed and there isn't a lot of cars on the road, so I just take my sweet time driving, not really caring how fast I'm going. In the car I can hear Steven talking softly to himself, a sound I love. I'm talking to Jacob and we're listening to Christmas music.
I honestly felt so blessed at that moment. I was in a place that to me is close to heaven, with my wonderful husband who is honestly my best friend and LOVE of my life. We had our adorable son in the back seat, being completely adorable, and we have another blessing waiting to join our family. There is no one around, nothing existed, except everyone packed into that little car.
It was a moment I wish I could freeze and live in forever.