Steven never ceases to amaze me, the other day I came into the kitchen to find him doing this.
Putting his forks in the slots of the oven, who would have thought of that?
Also yesterday was quite the day for him to show off. Steven is the type where if he doesn’t want to perform…he won’t. He doesn’t just say or do something just because you ask, unless it’s putting things away or shutting drawers, then he most always does. Anyway, because of this personality trait, I often don’t think he knows things, because he’ll either just say it the one time then refuse or just keeps it to himself.
But yesterday he added pizza, juice, amen, and my favorite "all done" to his list of words. He also was able to tell Grandma what a dog, cat, cow, duck, elephant, frog, bee, and monkey say. (Half of those were for the first time). I love to see him develop and start to understand the world around him.
As of yesterday I am now 37 weeks along, 3 weeks to go until this baby is due. I can’t believe it’s already this close! I’m feeling very well, although it seems with each day I seem to realize just how big I am and how hard it is to get up, sit down, and bend over. But such is life, I really feel SO much better than with Steven. There might be a couple of different reasons for this, mostly the season (Steven was born in August, hot, and this baby in January, cold). Anyway here’s a list of things I’m excited about with this pregnancy.
1. I’m still wearing my wedding ring, with Steven I traded mine for a cheap Walmart ring at about 25 weeks, then had to get rid of that ring around 33 weeks just because I was so swollen.
2. Which brings me to my shoes still fitting, all of them! Once again I was so swollen that I could only fit into a new pair of church shoes I bought and some new bigger flip-flops.
3. My back doesn’t hurt nearly as bad, which I contribute to exercising a lot more during this pregnancy.
4. My pants still fit, pregnancy pants that is. But I was out of those by about 7 months along with Steven, on to bigger shorts that I couldn’t button up.
5. Last but not least, I FEEL better about myself. I haven’t gained as much weight; I’ve gained less than half as much as with Steven. I’m not nearly as emotion as I was with Steven, which I know Jacob appreciates. Before I didn’t like how I looked, so it was hard for me to believe that Jacob could still love me, I know it sounds silly but in my highly hormonal pregnant mind that made perfect sense. I hated looking the mirror and getting dressed, nothing fit. Now with only walking a bit each day and trying to control my sweets intake, I feel good. Let’s not stretch the truth, I don’t love what I see in the mirror and I’ve exceeded the weight I wanted to gain, but I know it’s a whole lot better than before. And once again I feel better about life. Hopefully that will continue after the baby’s born as well.