Friday, November 11, 2011

A Child's Prayer

This was my favorite song in primary, and I started singing it to Christopher shortly after he was born. As I was singing it to him today before nap time, my mind wandered to when he was first born. Christopher has not been the easiest baby. He wears his emotions on his sleeves, which is good when he's happy, but oh so bad when he's not. He had a hard time getting into a sleeping schedule, so as I would sing this song to him I often couldn't keep back my emotions. Pleading with my Father to help me into the transition of two children.

As I sang it today, I felt similar emotions arise. This last little while has been a challenge, we've all been sick. We are overwhelmed by the non-stability of Jacob's many jobs. I've been tired and not ever getting on top of the house cleaning, nose wiping, and really just life. So these thoughts were in my head as I sang these words: "Heavenly Father, are you really there? And do you hear and answer every child’s prayer?...Father, in prayer I’m coming now to thee."

Then comes the sweet second verse that resonates with truth in my heart. "Pray, he is here;
Speak, he is listening. You are his child; His love now surrounds you." It makes me think of being in the car with one of my children; they need something (food, diaper change, sleep) and are crying desperately for it. We are on the final stretch home and they need to last just a little bit longer. So I try and comfort them by talking to them, reassuring them I know what they need and I'd love to give it to them in just a little bit. And when that doesn't work, I distract them with music, whatever I can to get their minds off of it until we can get home and meet their needs.

I can't help but think this is how my Father in Heaven feels about me. I know we need to just hang in there and it will be better soon, and I'm so thankful for music to help calm me and reassure me that I have a Father who knows my struggles. I am His child and His love now surrounds me.


  1. What a beautiful post! This was my favorite song as well and has helped me so many times!!! Always remember that you are good enough and that you show your love to your children and they will remember that!!! You are such a wonderful person and so strong!!!! Keep on moving forward!!! Love you!

  2. I literally have tears going down my face after reading this. I only just read this post today, and the timing for me was inspired. Cassanda, thank you, thank you, thank you.
