Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Game

So Monday when Jacob came home from work, I desperately needed to get out of the house. Usually I'm good to stay home all day with Steven for a couple of days even, but Monday was not the case. It was raining, so going on a walk was out of the question; and I didn't want to go to a store because I knew we'd spend money. Thus we invented a new game...or Jacob did and I helped modify it. It's a fun new way to get some where!
1. Before leaving randomly choose when you'll turn right or left between 10 or 20 times, for example. LRLLLLRLRRRLLRLR (We chose 18)
2. Choose a destination to try and get to. (We chose Walmart)
3. Cover all of the directions except your next move, that way you can't mentally map out how you'll get there. It keeps you guessing.
4. Enjoy!!!
5. Get yourself a treat at Walmart while your there. We found an easter bunny for 25 cents and some egg dye for 10 cents. Well worth it!

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