Monday, March 11, 2013

Christopher is 2!

 At the beginning of February Christopher turned 2! He requested a Mickey Mouse cake, it was simple enough so I obliged.  Here are a few things about Christopher: 

 Loves watching Mickey Mouse, Curious George, Phineas and Ferb, and anything Steven is watching.

Will often try to "wrestle" with William and Ryan, a.k.a. laying on top of them.  But is pretty soft with them other than that.  If you ask which baby this one is, he'd most often say, "WillRyan."  Just covering his bases.
 Makes an "Elmo" out of Legos, as shown above, but when you ask him who the actual Elmo is, he says, "Ulma".  This Elmo has wings; he can fly.
Loves to play outside with Steven, I'm not sure what they do all the time out there, but it's cute to listen to.
Knows when he is going to get into trouble and then look at me in a way that I can't help but laugh, and he knows it.  What an adorable goof ball.
He's the favorite in nursery, because all he does is stand there.  While all the other boys are climbing and sliding on tables, he just stands there.  But last week Jacob saw him playing with toys, so maybe he's starting to break out of his shell.
His favorite past times are:  legos, puzzles, eating, reading, crying, cars, trains, more eating, and more crying.  This kid lives a full live!
He loves "Yayoke" (yogurt) everyone in our house calls it that now, peanut butter and sandwich, and cereal. He will often ask for "a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, and a lot."  As long as you tell him you gave him that much, regardless of the actual amount, he's good.
Had one blanket that he had to sleep with every night, the quilt I made him.  But since potty training, wet underwear equals wet blanket, he's broaden his scopes and now has about 5 blankets given to him as a baby that he will accept.
Always has to be in the picture with anyone else!
We started potty-training a month before his birthday.  I might do a post just on this topic, so until then.  Know that it was rough and this kid is strong willed.  If he doesn't see the benefit of it, he won't do it. period.
Even though he can communicate really well, he still goes into gibberish occasionally; most often when he talks to the babies.  Here he is "lecturing" the twins about something or other, it happens quite a bit.

He loves to play "rolly rolly sanwich" which we are told he invented.  You twirl around saying, "rolly rolly sanwich" until you fall down and say, "I'm toast".

If you ask him what song he wants to sing he'll say, Silent Night or Happy are we...  But he does do an awfully cute rendition of:  Follow the Prophet, Did You Think to Pray, Snowman, Give said the Little Stream, Skinamarinka Dinka Dink, and really a lot more songs that I don't know he knows until he starts singing like, "Whataya Want from Me."

We LOVE Christopher!  Even though he's not the easiest child by a long shot, man do we love him and think he is one of the cutest things alive! He can make us smile and laugh more than just about anyone else.


  1. What a cutie! This post made me laugh out loud, just imagining him just standing there in nursery, and crying for a pastime, and being satisfied with "a lot" no matter how much it is. Hilarious!!! I can also relate so much, though. Lincoln is more emotional than Lilimae most days. Maybe it's a second-child thing. :)

  2. Super cute updates about your little dudes! They are lucky to have you as their mama, and you are lucky to have them! They sound so funny!

  3. What super duper adorable boys you have!!! I can't believe how big Christopher and Steven are getting!!! Sounds like the normal 2 and 3 year old boys!!!! I absolutely love the story of Steven calling down to Christopher and saying that he can't get any more treats for him!!! What a QT!!!
