Thursday, January 1, 2015


In November, just shy of 7 months, we went into a pediatric dentist to have Spencer's tongue and lip tie clipped (or with laser in our case).  

They bound his arms down with a swaddling blanket and he was all smiles to the nurses.  

Until they had to put the light in his eyes and give him safety goggles.

It was really sad to watch, but he did great and recovered well!  It was hard for me to keep stretching it every day to make sure the skin didn't reconnect; he really didn't like that at all.  Just as a side note being tongue tied is hereditary, I am, and as far as we can tell none of the older boys are (or at least not as bad).  Once Spencer's appointment goes through the insurance Max will have the procedure done as well...and maybe me if I'm brave enough and we have some cash to kill I'll have it done too.


  1. Looks like never a dull moment. Your boys are so cute. You and Jacob are doing such a good job with them. Hope Spencer and Max heal quickly!! Happy New Year!
