Thursday, January 1, 2015

Tooth Fairy

Back in November Steven came to us and said his tooth was loose.  We wiggled it and it felt like it could come out at any time.  Jacob convinced Steven to tie a piece of floss around his tooth but then Steven got scared and told him to take it off.  Jacob refused but told him to just pull it off himself.  He gave a hard yank and away it came!  

And the parents we are we told him the tooth fairy wasn't real.  We could pretend she was real and leave the tooth under the pillow or we could just give him the money right then and there, he chose the second option.

1 comment:

  1. man alive! our kids lost the same exact tooth! crayzee.
    Jeff told Charlie that we were the toothfairy and then said next year we would send him on a treasure hunt to find the prize. i was like... wait, what? MORE WORK!!
