Thursday, January 21, 2010

Projects on a bugdet!?

So for the month of January, Jacob and I decided to only use $10. This includes everything except gas and bills. It was mostly a fun challenge and to prove to ourselves that we have self-restraint when it comes to buying things. So far we've spend $4.97, and the month is already half over! I never doubted our decision to go on this budget until Monday.

I've had my eye on making Steven a block with tags sticking out, I found here. But I kept telling myself I'd make it after January, since we didn't have a lot of fabric I thought would be cute, and we also didn't have batting or stuffing. Well Monday, I just couldn't take it any longer; I wanted to make it! So I convinced Jacob to go to Walmart with me to see how much these things would cost. I was hoping they would magically be each a dollar. They weren't. So on the way home we thought of a way I could make it with things we have at home. So here is it!
Doesn't Steven make a cute model? Well instead of the fabric I didn't love, I used wash clothes that we have a million of. I also loved this because it adds more texture to it. Instead of batting, I used a wrapper that wipes come it. This is also great because it makes a crinkling noise. And for the stuffing, we opened a junky pillow we got from the hospital.

So to recap, Steven now has a new toy for free! I am excited. The end.


  1. Very cute! I love your resourcefulness. We're not buying anything this month except for groceries, but let me tell you, we're WAY over $10.00! How are you doing it?

  2. Thanks Jo! Well we are eating our food storage, that way we don't have to pack it all when we move. We actually are eating mostly regular with the exception of fresh fruit and veggies. I'll be glad to add these to our diet once February comes!

  3. I love this! You are so creative. It looks like you bought it! I want to make one now...

  4. That is amazingly creative and super cute! Maybe you should start a craft blog. : )

  5. Holy cow! You are so talented!!! That is the cutest thing. And wow, I can't even imagine only spending $10, I am pretty sure you would die if you saw what we have spent in the past month....wowzers. But I am going to copy you and in february I am going to make a game of it and see how little we can live on. We will see.
