Tuesday, July 27, 2010

That's why I married him.

Right before Jacob and I started dating, my MP3 player broke. I didn't know how to fix it and asked my roommates boyfriend if he could fix it for me. All males should be able to fix stuff right? Well he just told me to send it to the manufacturers or take it to Radio Shack. Well I obtained this MP3 player because it was lost at the KOA I worked at and was not reclaimed; so I claimed it for myself. I couldn't send it back anywhere and I didn't want to spend a lot of money to get it fixed.

Right before our second date I asked Jacob if he could fix it for me. He said he'd do what he could. On our second date he gave me a fixed MP3 player. I loved it! Needless to say on that date I really started falling in love with him. I loved that he could fix things around the house, just like my dad did when I was growing up.

Last night that skill came in handy. I was in the bathroom with Steven right before his bedtime, and he was getting into everything. So when it was time to leave I just wanted to shut the door and ignore anything he might have messed up. It was a little hard to shut the door because Steven had my blow dryer on top of the drawer and it wasn't going in. I managed to close the door then started to get Steven ready for bed. Meanwhile, Jacob tried to get into the bathroom and couldn't. The drawer had popped back out and wouldn't let us open the door more than a sliver. I put Steven to bed and then 5 minutes later my wonderful husband had the door open. Don't ask how he did it. Something with the yard stick through the opening of the door lifting the blow dryer and dropping it, finally allowed the drawer to go back in and the door to open.

Thank you Jacob. I'm sorry you have to get me out of situations that we shouldn't have been in. But boy howdy am I blessed to have this guy around the house, he's my life saver! And that's why I married him. (well one of the many reasons)

1 comment:

  1. you are so cute! want to have a play date sometime this week?
