Thursday, September 16, 2010

Boy, Girl or Boy, Boy?

Jacob and I have been debating for quite some time whether this baby would be a girl or boy. So in my family all my siblings have had one of each for their first two. So in our case this next baby would be a girl. Jacob on the other hand has said that from his grandparents down if you have a boy first, you have a boy second. (Also, in his siblings all the second children are boys). So it was a fight between the traditions. On the way to the ultrasound Jacob was confident it's a girl; he said he wanted it to be a boy, but knew it was a girl. Was he right?

NO! It's a BOY!

And I couldn't be more thrilled. Of course I'd love a little girl to dress in the cute headbands and adorable dresses. But once we saw our little boy, love struck me. I loved every movement he made. At first he was very cooperative and let us see into his heart and brain, but when it came to profile or his little hands and feet, well he was just sick of being good. He squirmed and dove around. I loved it, I loved seeing his own little personality. The ultrasound tech guessed that he would be a 9 pounder, he's quite beefy. He also commented on his big nose, both of these wonderful traits I'm sure he got from me. And my favorite part of all was when he started to suck his thumb for a picture. I mean really how adorable is that? Now, I know I'll have my hands full with two little boys so close together, but I know they'll be the best of friends.
I honestly can say that I'm already in love with this adorable little baby!
(I'll post it when I get around to scanning in the pictures)


  1. How sweet! Thanks for sharing! Congrats on another boy! I'm sure they will be best of friends! I love to watch my two boys play and love each other!

  2. Awesome!! Congrats!! He sounds like a joy. It will be so fun to see your family grow.

  3. Congrats on having another boy!! That's so exciting!
