Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Funny Kids

On Sundays we teach the Sunbeams at church; seven 3 or 4 year olds can be quite interesting sometimes. We have one little girl who is very smart and knows the answer you want from her, but will often say the opposite thing. So during sharing time a sister was talking about Jesus Christ and asked if He loved each of them. This little girl yelled out, "No!" I'm sure just trying to get attention, but the two little girls next to her began saying very insistently that she was wrong. "Yes He does!" "He does too love us." It really made my day to hear these little girls stand up for what they knew was right, and couldn't bear to hear that their Savior does not love them. I hope my children will have that same conviction.

Speaking of Steven, yesterday after FHE we were all sitting on the couch talking. Steven found Jacob's wallet half out of his pocket and thought it looked like a fun toy. He started pulling out the money that Jacob had in there, 4 one dollar bills. Steven was trying to hold them all in his hands, but Jacob kept taking the ones that had dropped or were loose in his hands. Steven would then swipe them back and this continued for many minutes until Steven got a little smarter. Instead of trusting his own hands to keep the money, he handed them to mom thinking they'd be safe if mom had them. Smart boy. It really made me laugh.

And to end this post I thought I'd add some pictures of Steven.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like Steven just gets more adorable with every blog post!!! CUTIE :)
    Also, Totally know what you mean about the primary!I'm a teacher for the CTR 5, and they are hilarious!
