Sunday, August 5, 2012

July Festivities

This July was quite a different one for us, mostly due to my not being able to leave home and venture out as much.  This was the first Indepence Day that I have been away from my hometown in my life, so I was hesitant as to how it would turn out.  But we had fun here in Provo.

It started off with Steven and Christopher went to the hot air balloon launching with Grandma and Grandpa Morrise.  Which the boys loved!  Steven's favorite was apparently a pig.  We then met up with more family for a delicious breakfast at Jacob's brother's home.  They know how to make one fantastic french toast!  We came home and played with some squirt bottles and had Popsicles to help us with the heat.

 After naptime we went to Jacob's parent's house to have a BBQ and watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington outside with the projector.  Steven got his own movie, since we figured our movie would not entertain him quite so much.  Then there was fire works to be seen from the neighbors and off to bed.  So not my typical July 4th, but a good one non-the-less.

For the 24th of July, we were a bit more lame, but we still tried our best to make the most of Jacob's day off and the holiday.  We went to the splash pad in Spanish Fork, where Steven was quite at home.  Yes he did find rocks to put down the slots where the water goes.

 Christopher on the other hand didn't like it at all.  This was as close as he would come unless daddy held him, even then though he was not enjoying it.  Which is weird because he loves taking baths and having water be thrown in his face.  I'm guessing with time he'll come around to it.

We also had a family BBQ, and cleaned out our storage unit and got rid of a lot of unneeded items, so that we no longer need a storage unit!

And finally the Olympics have started.  We decided to have an Olympics with the boys and after completing the tasks they'd get Swedish Fish; they loved it.  Christopher wanted to opt out of the tasks and go straight to the reward, so I didn't get a picture of anything he did, or he didn't do much.  But Steven was great!  He jumped from the third stair down, jumped from the table to the couch, and balanced on the coffee table while Dad tipped it.  

 This kid has amazing balance!

1 comment:

  1. What cute kids you have!!! Love the idea of your home olympics!!!
