What do you do with a houseful of grouchy boys?
Put on some super capes and go for a walk/bike ride.
End up at the park on a bridge over the creek.
Find new joys in riding down hills (which gives them the same thrills as our neighbor's driveway, but much safer)
Snuggling brothers! Steven loves to snuggle his brothers, I think it's so he can feel their hair on his ears. Yes, we know he's a little weird. He always asks me to take a picture of him (and then he has to look at it to make sure it's cute.)
Go shopping: Jacob found a new way to contain all the boys at the store...Don't worry the baby on the bottom wasn't hurt in any way. He pushed these guys around while I did the shopping.
Go wadding in the creek at the park to look for pennies some kind person threw in there.
It was so much fun Jacob decided to come inside as well.
Look at this gorgeous view!
When all else fails invite family over for Sunday dinner.
And let little boys lick out the bowl that made the chocolate cookies.
this post makes me want to be back in Utah like no tomorrow!