Monday, February 10, 2014

31 weeks

Today marks officially 31 weeks pregnant with two cute fraternal baby boys.  I have an ultrasound next week but at my 28 week ultrasound each baby was 3 lbs 2 oz.  *As a side note, at this week William and Ryan were 3 lbs and 3 lbs 4 oz. So these babies are right on track to being a good size like their brothers.  They are both as healthy as can be and in a head down position.  Like Jacob stated it yesterday; everything that could be going right with this pregnancy, is.  I'm feeling pretty good. Large and tired?  Yes, but I want to say that I'm doing better than last time. My sweet mother and sister have been coming each weekend to help clean and take care of the boys since I've been on my modified movement period.  I will say I haven't been as strict on this; I've gone to a couple of stores to grab a thing for two, but for the most part I'm trying to follow doctor's orders.  I've been feeling a lot of tightening in my stomach which has scared me that I'll go into labor before these boys are ready to come.  But when I asked my doctor he said, you're body will do what it's done in the past.  Lucky for me we know how my body handles twins; and he is fairly sure that my body will keep them in as long as it can.  I asked him when he thought he'd induce me; April 2nd.  That's the date we are now focusing on.  I hope we get there.

And just for my own references:  Here is the comparison of me at 31 weeks with William and Ryan and me now.  I have had this picture in my mind, thinking of how fat my face looks.  I've been quite proud of having my face not looking that full yet, but of course one morning a week or two ago I woke up and realized the baby fat was seeping in.  But I am happy now looking at these two to see that it's not THAT bad.

And just for those people who wonder how much bigger I can get, because I do hope these babies will double in size, here's how big I was right before delivering.

1 comment:

  1. you are doing it! look how far you have come, darling! i sure adore you. i think you are God's favorite to give you all those adorable boys! xo
