Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Christopher is 3!

Christopher just had his third birthday, and I'll be honest I kind of always thought he was three before.  This kid is smart.  He will talk to you just as well as Steven, and he keeps us laughing with what he says constantly.  Everyone loves Christopher, he really just has the personalty that draws people to him.  What can I say other than he is just plain adorable.  This was his golden birthday, turning 3 on the 3rd, and I've been stressing about how to make it special, especially since I'm not suppose to leave the house much.  It turned into celebrating his birthday over 3 days.  He went to Cabella's with my parents on Saturday and got to pick out his present. a bear.  He LOVED it.  My mom said it was so fun to see the world through his eyes.  He kept commenting on everything loudly, have I mentioned this boy talks loud all the time?  But bystanders didn't seem to care, I told you people just love him.  My dad lost track of them for a moment and just stood still and listened and sure enough within a minute he heard Christopher talking and was able to find them on the next level.  Sunday we had cake and ice cream with the Morrise side and got to open his gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Morrise, a batman figuring, and an art kit.  He loves both of those and he HAD to have a batman cake.  Then Monday, his real birthday, he got more presents when he woke up: a new bike, a cape, and a spiderman backpack.  He got to play at his cousin's house (Luke and Winnie, though they were both at school) while I had a doctor's appointment, and then out to lunch with daddy, and of course naptime.  For dinner we asked if he wanted to go somewhere to eat and he chose to stay home and have Christmas pancakes (pancakes cut out with Christmas cookie cutters).  I was more than willing to oblige.  Over all I think he had a pretty good birthday.  Jacob overheard this conversation that night after he put them to bed.  Steven: Tomorrow's not your birthday anymore Christopher! (he's been less than pleased with all the attention Christopher has been getting.)  Christopher:  Well it's not your birthday either!

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