Sunday, September 28, 2014

Self Worth

I've been contemplating quite a bit lately the lessons I've learned from having my children.  One of those has come slowly over a span of years.  It's something that when I really stop and think about it makes perfect sense, though I don't really see it in my day to day.  I am a people pleaser, I've known this for my whole life, but there's an aspect that I don't recognize as much.  I want people to like me, to validate me, to praise my work.  I catch myself doing this in small ways:  Looking at my stained carpet and wondering what the previous owner would think of her spotless carpet now and how I'm doing as a homemaker.  Or feeling rejected at night when Jacob doesn't comment on the seemingly small acts I'd accomplish throughout the day.  It all made sense the other morning when I was running.  I was looking to others and the world to receive my self worth, when all I really need to do is look to my Father in Heaven.  The world would have me think I'm only of value if my children are well groomed and behaved, have a perfect home, a perfect body, and a gazillion friends.  This is a hard task for me to live up to in one area let alone all of them.  My Father has a much better option.

"Be Cassanda.  Try your best to live your life to the fullest.  Give your children lots of hugs; take care of their temporal needs yes, but really just make sure they feel loved, respected, and validated.  If you can do that, you're amazing.  Try your best to keep your house clean and tidy, because when it is My Spirit can dwell more abundantly.  You'll feel it more and so will your family.  But don't worry if it isn't always that way, I understand it's hard.  Try to love your body.  I know it's hard when you see others who may have a more desirable body type, but remember yours looks the way it does because it brought 6 beautiful boys to this world.  Try to keep it strong and healthy and then appreciate what has happened to it.  Try your best to be nice to everyone.  Some people will only be a part of your life for a short period, and others will be with you much longer.  Learn what you can from each relationship, and don't feel bad when they don't always stay as close as you'd like.  But most of all, remember your worth to Me is not determined by your success of any of these areas.  I love you for just being you.  But because I know you, I know you'll do your best."

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